Fax Free Payday Loans
Although many companies these days claim they are providing guaranteed acceptance loans, their promises are rarely delivered. In fact, they only thing they can guarantee is that they may accept your application if you are able to meet their requirements. The good news is that meeting the requirements of payday loans lenders is not a difficult task. Anyone with a stable source of income and a deposit card can qualify for a payday loan today. The bad news is that even if you can qualify for a payday loan, you still may get a rejection.
The most common reasons for payday loans lenders to reject applications of borrowers are as follows: your monthly income is less than $1,000, your contact information cannot be verified, your bank account has been active for less than 5 month, you have not been employed for the last 3 month, you do not have a credit card, or you have an outstanding debt. look what I found
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